My Ideas…A new beginning.

Up until now, all my postings have just been finished works. Today I will start posting my thoughts, ideas, opinions, sketches and other various media on topics that are continually influencing me.

First of all, some of the artists that I refer to constantly are Alex Katz, Edward Hopper, Andrew Wyeth. I have a few books on David Hockney and I plan to get more. I just saw his iPad paintings on Yosemite National Park. I was just there on vacation and seeing his painting really tied the experience together.

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David Hockey’s painting of Yosemite and my photo. He did this on an iPad. I love the colors. It looks like I’m in the same spot. It’s a pretty popular spot so there’s a good chance he was there. How cool.

I love how “simply” he added the color. I love the bright colors he used. I see Matisse in these paintings. there are many more on his website or you can just search his images online. Wow!

I did a series of 24 painting on the suburbs and the colors are not as vibrant and fun as the colors and lines that Hockey uses. I think it would be fun to redo the painting with an influence of Hockney’s iPad paintings. Stay tuned.

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